11/20/2009 07:36:00 AM

Here are some pictures from last night at the 2009 Foster Christmas Party! It was sooo gorgeous- didn't get many pictures but the decorations were amazing and the food was pretty good too!
My little sister Veronica came which was very cool- she is the first family member to actually come see my band....... very upsetting that nobody else has and most of them live in Angelo. But VV did and it makes me happy!
I found my dress yesterday morning and think it worked out perfect for 23 weeks pregnant... I love it! Pretty sure I'm gonna wear it to the Snow Ball at the cactus too... Gosh! CAN'T WAIT! I love dressing up and now that I have a pretty dress that actually fits I'm all in!
Below-me and my friend Jess Jane
and my friend Lizzy and I
Veronica and her lil' buddy enjoying some Sprite in fancy glasses
me Jess and Elli
the girlies afain
One of my fav. pics of me and blondie
and me and my Brian Jones
It was soooooooooo fun! Next year I'll have baby Jane with me!!!

11/20/2009 07:00:00 AM

So here are a few items I have purchased for little girlies room so far
Below is a pillow that matches her bedding almost pefectly!
And here is a fun "piggy" bank that I had to get for her even though I imagine she will break it one of these days since it's plaster...still adorable though!
And here is the cutest lamp in the whole world that my mom got me for my birthday for her room! Loves it!
Target has the cutest owl things right now!

11/17/2009 09:27:00 AM

So.... until I have Mr.Bailey wanting to take some fantastic pictures of my growing tummy you're stuck with me trying to take pictures of myself in the mirror lol which isn't always good and they never seem to be in focus hahaha
But here is my belly.... enjoy
And here is little girlies latest photoshoot
mom and I agree that her head shape looks a lot like casper the friendly ghost's lol but it's crazy you can see her ears and arm and leg bones and everything... pretty neat
Next is her skeletor face
And the keep no secrets shots where we see she is a little girl
And then my personal favorite... her little foot... cutest thing EVER
Oh yea oh yea .. these were taken on baby Jane when I was just about 18 weeks along and now I am 22 weeks so she has had a whole month to grow! I wonder if I get new pictures at my next appointment.... and the my belly shot was taken all of 10 minutes ago hahaha

11/15/2009 03:33:00 PM

OK below are some ideas for my baby room theme... since there aren't very many reference images available for exactly what I am looking for these are the closest I could find and shouldn't be taken as a literal translation of exactly what is in my mind at all lol. I am looking for a good medium between a girly princess room and an owl themed room... and the colors are (for a lack of a better description) sherbert colored... They aren't pale like pastels but they are not as bright as Lisa Frank colors.. and now that I have probably confused you I will bring on the reference images I was able to find that I think are cute.
Dad- It would be REALLY REALLY awesome if you took these ideas and mixed them in with the Lisa Frank theme I also liked... paint a semi realistic owl with all kinds of jewelery on and maybe a terara or something... and if you could paint it big enough I would love to have that as a center piece for the room... maybe the owl could be in an ornamented tree- I just want color! I love color and feel it's really important for the baby to have color around to stimulate her mind when she is little...
Now I am giong to post some of the maternity pictures I took of Sariah- she has a few more weeks left until Bishop is born- he is due on dec 8th but I think she will be induced early. These were taken about a week ago
AND.... me being an idiot in my stretchy pants lol

10/04/2009 01:34:00 AM

I hate feeling like I'm handcuffed and falling deeper and deeper towards the bottom of a pool... I don't want to stop fighting the water that wants to flood into my dry lungs but eventually I let it and I don't resist the movement of the water anymore... I move with it. I'm the same temperature as the water and the same color as the water.. It's made me something Im not, dead. I fight for things and love more than anything and want nothing but good things for people.... I want to be trully happy and I don't think thats going to happen. I can get pretty close but I am coming to realize that no matter how many promises someone makes you and how many times they look you in the eyes and tell you they understand what your talking about... they will let me down. In the end it's only me. Now me and my baby and I have to decide if I'm going to give up and move with the water or if I wont settle and keep fighting but ruin all of the good things I do have in the process. Really, in the end I lose both ways... really I've already lost and I haven't let it sink in all the way yet. I know I am pregnant but all of this can't be just hormones. Some of it-sure- but not all of it. I don't want to end up unhappy and alone because I wouldn't settle... but I hate having to chose between the two. Im screwed. The sad part is that I have been trying so hard to do everything I can to show how much I want everything to be ok. EVERYTHING. I don't know how much longer I can without exploding... My baby will be happy and taken care of. Life isn't about me anymore... I can't be selfish anymore... but some people don't see their life that way. I could just scream... but I will just cry myself to sleep... I just want what I can't have. haha funny how karma can wait so long to come creeping up on you to pay you back for a life of small infringments.

10/03/2009 10:01:00 PM

So Sariah's baby shower was today and I'm so happy that it's all over haha. Im so sleepy and ready for a week to finish unpacking and making my home a home. I'm happy I could give Sariah the shower that she needed and deserved and it was fun. Below is a picture of the Seuss things that I made for her.
The food table at the baby shower
And below is a picture of my little mr. looking more and more like a panda bear every day